Trader Introduction

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Before we get started, let’s get to you know you.

Fill out the following questions. These will help us to figure out the best path through the following material and direct the focus of building your process.

My Trading
Let’s get a sense of your trading.

My primary trading instrument is :

User Text Input

I generally express my ideas using :

User Text Input

When I am looking at the big picture, I find the following most helpful :

User Text Input

When it comes to execution, I look at :

User Text Input

Good work!
This will be helpful as we start to work through your trading strategy. We’ll get much more into detail later on.

Now let’s look at some cash flow details and current trading size.

Do you trade a personal account, prop account or other? Describe as your comfortable :

User Text Input

My typical risk per trade, per day, per week is :

User Text Input

Are you comfortable with this trading size? Why or why not :

User Text Input


Now that we have a sense of your trading method and current size, let’s walk through some of the personal items.

What is your end goal in trading? Do you want to trade full-time, manage money better, etc :

User Text Input

From a personal or lifestyle stand point, what makes trading interesting to you :

User Text Input

What do you find most frustrating about trading :

User Text Input

What one thing do you do in your trading that you want to stop doing :

User Text Input

What one thing do you do well that you would like to do more of :

User Text Input

What is a technical area of trading you feel weak in :

User Text Input

What is a technical area of trading you feel strongest in :

User Text Input

Great stuff!
Often, just filling these out can give us a better sense of ourselves. This also will be interesting to look back on in 3-6 months to see how you’ve changed.

Lastly, let’s just get a quick sense of your review process and what you are currently doing to systematically improve.

While some of these may seem like yes or no questions, a sentence or two of detail is helpful.

How often do you review your trades :

User Text Input

Do you have a pre-market routine and what does that look like :

User Text Input

Do you feel like you have mental clarity most of the time :

User Text Input

Do you have a way of creating clarity when you are actively trading? If yes, what does that look like :

User Text Input

How often do you feel “turned around” in your trading :

User Text Input

How often do you have a good idea but fail to capitalize on it :

User Text Input

Do you add to trades? What does that look like :

User Text Input

Are there any additional items you want to include :

User Text Input

DONE! You did it!

Last step here is to post a few images that describe your strategy. Feel free to post a few. 3-5 will typically give us a sense of things.

Once you’ve uploaded those, return to the top of the page and hit the Export as PDF button. This will save the document to your computer. You can submit this via email and we will go over it.

*note : for best formatting be sure to scroll ALL the way to the top.

Add some images of your charts below :

File Upload Example