From Flat to Flat

As intraday traders, we close positions and let our accounts rest while we wait for the next setup. We’re ‘flat’.

This is important. When we’re struggling, we may need a prolonged period where our accounts are flat. In order for them to reset.

This same concept is true for each of us, as operators of our system. We need to be mindful of where we are mentally.

And be careful to trade from flat to flat.

Now, our accounts can be flat while we are not. And the problem is that often, we come into the market with overnight baggage.

This is not new information to this crew. That is for sure. However, I’ve found the concept of ‘flat to flat’ to be a simple and easy way for me to check myself.

Some questions:
Have I spent enough time flat to be able to take full advantage of the next trade?

Do I have a feeling of irritation, frustration or anxiousness this evening?

If I am feeling some mental or subconscious thought, anxiety or frustration, how can I seek to Sort that out before I get to my desk?

Our plans are of course important but we need to make sure we’re ready, mentally and physically, to run our race tomorrow. Peak mental shape. There is too much at stake.

While our accounts rest, let’s make sure we’re flat before the morning. Ready to crush this week, which is sure to be wild.